Added, 22/06/2011, Changed 11/03/2024, 12/03/2024
Colebrook Rail Viaduct which is very close to my home.
Email: contact@domain-name (this is not my email address you will need to guess)
Alternative contact; http://andrewlohmann.home.blog/contact/
http://www.andrew-lohmann.me.uk (New google sites)
Host; https://sites.google.com/view/anengineersperspective/
Subsection websites;
Host; andrewlohmann.blogspot.com
http://andrewlohmann.home.blog/contact/ Old Wordpress contact not used.
Host; https://sites.google.com/view/anengineersperspective-enginee/
Host; https://sites.google.com/view/lohmannfamilytree/
Experimental; http://andrewlohmann.home.blog (Wordpress)
About this website;
About you, this blog and websites;
Your blog Comments - I do not have any other information on visitors to this blog other than the name you post and comments you write.
I may delete those comments when I have addressed an issue you raise or they become not relevant.
Google Analytics/Webmasters - I look at data about the type and location of visitors to this website. It has always been my wish to post some of this general information but I have not done that yet.
General visitor statistics - to come (see below)
Averts - Advertising I may receive a small payment if you click an advert. Over the years the amount has been tiny.
Advertising targeting - The averts on this blog or my websites may be targeted to you depending on whatever consent you have given. How that works is set in this case by Google who host this blog and my website. I do intend to keep Advert targeting turned on but for violent and military type advertising - if I can set such a preference.
Cookies you and my website;
I do not know what happens when you visit this website with cookies. But I use Google Analytic and Google Webmasters tools. Both of these collect general information about visitors but neither identify anyone specifically who visited the website to me in any way. There are adverts and I do not know what these do. This is what the web-host Google says; https://www.google.com/about/company/user-consent-policy.html
I use Google tools which collect statistics that indicate areas of interest by visits or search for;
Analytics - visits to my websites
Search Console (was; webmasters) - Searches that find my website
AdWord - Control of what type of adverts that may appear on my website.
External links
Near where I live, family, friends and interests;
Labour NEC member Ann Black http://www.annblack.com/
Excellent Holidays and Vegan food - VegiVentures
Excellent Herbalist http://www.hamblys.net