
Created < 2009, Changed; 08/10/2017, 29/02/2020

Old this webpage;  http://ww1.andrew-lohmann.me.uk/environment/a21-at-castle-hill/access-to-hastings/ahs_comm/

Comments on Access to Hastings Study Commissioning Report.

My name is Andrew Lohmann, I am a Southborough Town Councillor and was an objector at the public inquiry in to the A21 Pembury to Tonbridge Bypass dualling in 1993. At that time I was also involved with writing Tunbridge Wells Friends of the Earth’s object to this scheme. I have regularly attended meetings of East Sussex Transport 2000 & East Sussex Sustainability forum. Since the start of the study a discussion forum has formed by Tunbridge Wells Friends of the Earth for people interested in the study. The forum is open to any one or group concerned with nature, wildlife, archaeological heritage, Sustainability and alternatives to Roads building. I wish to reaffirm my interest in joining the reference group for the Access to Hastings Study. Would you tell me any meetings will occur and send me a copy of terms of reference. Please note that some of the comments are from other groups who can give better explanation of problems they see and there proposed solutions. The comments in this paper may be endorsed by Tunbridge Wells Friends of the Earth, and other groups, in due cause. Sections I have included are; Comments on Access to Hastings Study Commissioning

Report. Options that I would like the study to consider. Appendixes – please refer to the following appendixes in my submission to the Roads Review and Integrated Transport November 1997.

(1) Alternatives (1a) Rail Alternative and (1b) TP 18.

(1c) case against Park and Ride

(2) Criticism of COBA and other computer models – Mr Mainhood who has agreed that members of STOP THE ROAD use his criticism of COBA.

(3) Response to Integrated Transport Strategy.

(4) Local Councils Position

(5) Traffic flow figures.

Additional appendixes; (1d) Additional Rail options.

- From myself and Cllr. Val Catt letter to Government Office for the South East dated September, 1999. To follow

- (5b) Accident figures analysed for various sections of the A21. – Note I would appreciate receiving this information from the study consultants in order for me to comment and create this appendix.

Andrew Lohmann

Member of Tunbridge Wells Friends of the Earth.

FILE: ahs-comm.doc, 18-12-99

Comments on Commissioning Report

2.4 Dot 4 – Consensus probably is not possible. You will note Tunbridge Wells Local Transport plan appears to be suggesting the council do nothing itself but it does tell the government to build a new section of A21 trunk road at Castle Hill, and build a new out of town hospital. Neither policy is consistent with the borough councils view prior at the time of the last government. The Kent and Sussex hospital has very good accessibility by public transport, and much investment has been made in new building on this site. The local council was sceptical about building the A21 trunk road at Castle Hill at the time of the public inquiry on the road in 1993.

2.6 Don’t agree compared to Tunbridge Wells Hastings is very accessible though there is lack of rail freight sidings in both Tunbridge Wells and Hastings. Roads in to Tunbridge Wells are at capacity and there is no way of alleviating this where as rail capacity could be increased.

2.8 append after “…. the choice solutions safety and congestion problems on the A21 between Tonbridge and Pembury” “may exasperate these problems and does not address severance of communities where as a rail for freight could provide new access opportunities to both towns.”

3.7 Dot point 1 – must consider severance of communities. Also consider the causes of problems where crashes occur with fatal and serious injuries and suggest solutions. Congestion due to vehicle tail backs from Tunbridge Wells centre there are strong policies in the local plan to prevent etra traffic from being created in the town centre. Local policy expressed in the public inquiry in 1993 was changed so as not to make Pembury Road the main route in to town.

3.10 Dot point 4 add A26 to Newhaven. 3.21 Holes Hall Road/Conford Lane to be no through route. I don’t support Rail Line crossing at Nells bridge and therefore discourage Grosvenor Road another route in to town.

3.24 Note rail and bus to be integrated I support the creation of local transport authorities like London Transport for towns such as Tunbridge Wells.

3.26 Key issue school term time traffic congestion. Encourage parents to send their children to the nearest school, and offer free bussing to school for any distance.

3.28 Delete any COBA analysed data and re-assess the data with the principals of SACTRA. There is a discrepancy between COBA estimated figures for 1996 and actual traffic figures that have occurred.

4.5 Accessibility I am concerned that the equation shown could be distorted if the costs are in pounds (this is the same problem that COBA model had). The cost should be recalculated in to time equivalent and summed. I believe that time saved is a more equitable currency. For example a section of fast trunk road, were to sever a community. A millionaire earning £1000 an hour were to save six minutes journey time that would be equal to £100 saved. On the other hand a low paid worker paid £4.00 an hour who cycles to work but would be unable to cross the new section of trunk road. If the worker spent an hour longer equivalent to £4 or spend £4 on a taxi fare. Presumably sum of jobs costed in pounds would give a figure of £96 towards the road, but if costed in time would give 50 minutes towards the cycle option

5.9 Please see alternative options for A21 at Castle Hill. Note safety ordit needs to be done.

5.14 Add Wealden Line Access Group – to restore the rail line. Also add Kent Wildlife Trust.




Appendix 1d Rail for freight and for short distance travel outside of London Since our submissions to the roads review where we supported the restoration of Lewes-Uckfield-West Station-Tunbridge Wells rail line for heavy rail and the restoration or creation of a railway line Tunbridge Wells to Ashford. we add our support to the creation of Rail sidings and passenger stations in Tunbridge Wells at Good Station Road and North Farm Industrial Estate. This will further encourage smaller, short haul van runs in town rather than long haul lorries. The restoration of rail line is probably a matter for Rail Track to finance, but however it is financed we urge GOSE to pursue it.