TW FoE Response – Castle Doc
Created; <2012 Changed; 13/05/2014, 16/012/2014
For: Tunbridge Wells Friend of the Earth.
Mr Mike Ford, XX, XXXX Road,
Highways Agency, XX XXXXXX,
Federated House, Tunbridge Wells,
London Road, Kent, TN4 XXX.
Dorking, Tel: 01892 xxxxxxxx
Surrey, RH4 1SZ. 01892 xxxxxxx(work)
Tel: 01306 878219 E-MAIL:
28 November, 2001
DRAFT FILE: castle.castle.doc
A21 at Castle Hill
Dear Sir,
I understand that you are conducting a feasibility study into widening a section of A21 at Castle Hill (Pembury to Tonbridge). I object, for myself and Tunbridge Wells Friend of the Earth to this road widening. Tunbridge Wells Friend of the Earth is a member of The Hastings Alliance, with a particular interest in opposition to widening or road build of the A21.
Points for your consideration are:-
1) The present good safety record of this section of road, identified in the Access to Hastings report could be compromised. The report noted public concern about road safety on this stretch of road though. The Access to Hastings study terms of reference that safety should be improved. It is important that the rate of fatalities on this section of road are not increased, but reduced.
2) The most likely extra traffic attracted by A21 capacity increase would surely worsening of the already poor air quality in Longfield Road. This extra traffic attracted to Tunbridge Wells particularly through the residential area of Sherwood, via Longfield Road (industrial estate). The previous Tunbridge Wells Local Plan, presume strongly against any plan that would cause extra traffic entering the town in policies; TP10 and TP11.
3) Rail access being a feature of access to Tunbridge Wells, should be developed. For example rail freight sidings, shuttle trains and the restoration of the rail line to Lewes.
4) Damage to the Natural Environment;
The road and the area nearby is designated: High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, Metropolitan Green Belt, Kent Special Landscape Area, Special Nature Conservancy Interest, and Tuddley Wood RSPB nature reserve. There is also Hill Fort (scheduled ancient monument).
For the reasons above we are concerned that the outcome of this road study should meet the objective of sustainability. We would appreciate your advice and how we should pursue the object, and what grounds are available to us?
Andrew Lohmann