
Created; <2009, Changed; 30/09/2017, 29/02/2020

Old this webpage;  http://ww1.andrew-lohmann.me.uk/environment/a21-at-castle-hill/access-to-hastings/ahs_0100/

Access to Hastings Study (Multi-Modal-Study)

Access to Hastings Study Forum for groups pursuing sustainable alternatives to road building.

To be held upstairs room at; The Rose & Crown Public House, Grosvenor Road, Tunbridge Wells.

At 7:30pm, Thursday, 20 January. (2000??)

From Andrew Lohmann

I would like to follow up the last meeting with a discussion on the following:-

* Accuracy of my notes of the last meeting bellow. + Matters arising

* Consider amendments my response to the AHS commissioning report (I have included a copy). Consider endorsing amendments and forward to Steer Davis Gleave.

* Discuss inviting to Steer Davis Gleave to T/W to see various issues. Therefore make a list of areas to demonstrate various points. E.g. West Station and Sainsbury, Rail sidings at Longfield Road and Good Station Road, Traffic entering T/W at Pembury and Longfield Road, Severance of communities Pembury and Sherwood, Crash at A21 Tonbridge by-pass merges with single carrageway at Castle Hill, Tunbridge Wells viewed from the pond with Great Crested Newts near the summit of the hill where the approved road would be built.

* Report back from meetings with; Steer Davis Gleave on 20 December 1999, and East Sussex Transport 2000, and East Sussex Sustainablity Transport Forum in Eastbourne on 15 January 2000.


* Date of the next meeting.


* East Sussex Transport 2000 have a meeting on 11AM – 4PM, 22 January at Hastings Trust Resource Centre, 35 Robertson Street.

This is much as our own meeting last month on Access to Hastings Study and sustainable alternatives to road building.

Below are my notes of the meeting last month:-

Combined meeting of; Tunbridge Wells Friends of the Earth (TW FoE), Transport Action Group (TAG), and Stop The Road (A21). To be held upstairs room at; The Rose & Crown Public House, Grosvenor Road, Tunbridge Wells. occurred on 10 December 1999 PRESENT: Val Catt, Andrew Craven (Kent Wildlife Trust), Simon Flack Tonbridge CTC, Andrew Lohmann TW FoE, Don Oke Pembury Society, Chris Sherman TW FoE.


* Explanation of the AHS Multi-modal study. PTO

* Endorsement of the broadness of the study noting though that there is no wildlife interests on the steering group.

* The meeting decided that this group would be a forum for people or groups pursuing sustainable alternatives to road building interested in the Access to Hastings Multi-Modal-Study to discuss issues. * We discussed options we would like the study to consider they include:

* Rail Park & Ride, John Goodfellow described how the Bannerman proposal had been developed. He described new rail stations at Longfield Road, Good Station Road, and run additional train in to T/W. * Rail for freight (e.g. waste from Longfield Road) and passenger transport and the reopening of the rail line to Brighton. (E.g. following the route of the A26 to Newhaven)

* Upgrade rail through Tunbridge Wells to twin track working, by widening the tunnels.

* Rail and bus to be integrated.

* problem with traffic using Holes Hall Lane/Cornford Road local access only preferred.

* Pembury Village requires to discourage traffic from passing through the village when the Pembury by-pass is congested with traffic entering or leaving T/W.

* Access between TW & Pembury across the A21 by pedestrian and cycle is very difficult. The A21 has to some extent severed the communities

* There was consensus that option for a 6 lane section of trunk road has a serious natural environment impact. High speeds that may be anticipated were unnecessary given that the majority of traffic is entering Tunbridge Wells. It was felt necessary to support the building of a crawler-lane at Castle Hill. * Criticism of COBA 9 the computer model used to justify any grandiose road scheme this, should be pursued.

* A collection was made to pay Hastings FoE £16 for photocopying, plus £10 for the hire of the room.

* Other points:- The government may be announcing increases in road speeds in the new year. T2000 petition to Tony Blair MP not to transfer fuel revenue to roads contact: Linda Beard of T2000, 12 – 18 Hoxton Street, London, N16NG. Linda@transport2000.demon.co.uk ??