
Created; <2009, Last changed; 13/05/2014, 30/09/2017

Old this webpage; http://ww1.andrew-lohmann.me.uk/environment/a21-at-castle-hill/access-to-hastings/d2coffee/

Mr Derrick Coffee,                                                                                xx, xxx Road,

xx xxxxx xxxx,                                                                                     High Brooms,

Eastbourne,                                                                                       Tunbridge Wells,

BNXX XXX.                                                                                           Kent, TN4 xxx.

                                                                                                          Tel: 01892 xxxx

                                                                                                        01892 xxxx (work)

                                                                                                        E-MAIL: AndrewHLohmann@compuserve.com

                                                                    URL: http://ourworld.compuserve/homepages/AndrewHLohmann

FILE: d2coffee.doc

                                                                                                         20 February, 2000

Access to Hastings Study

Dear Derrick,

Please find a photocopy of the projected slides presented by Graham Hanson of GOSE on the Access to Hastings Study meeting for elected members in Bexhill on 15 February 2000. Parish and town councillors were not permitted to attend Mr Hanson told The Clerk to Southborough Town Council. Val attended as a Borough Councillor. In page 7 point two what does “but not” mean surely “bring an organisation’s views” IS “represented their interests”? Page 9 point one “RPB to consider which recommendations to be taken forward” this seems to be at variance to what we thought would occur. Technical robustness intended on page 2 would be compromised presumably. The answer to the question who will pick the recommendations if the RPB(SERPLAN) is in a transitionary stage to SERA?? Is GOSE. At the last Sustainable Transport Forum you I think you reported that Mr Hanson portrayed an imminent meeting with elected members as a necessity. Is Mr Hanson portraying the study as a necessity telling elected members GOSE will pick recommendation it likes?

Page 1 front page ACCESS TO HASTINGS MULTIMODAL STUDY, presentation to local authorities by GOSE.

Page 2 FEATURES OF MMS point six – study outputs technically robust. Page 4 MANAGEMENT OF STUDY – shows importance of RPB(SERPLAN) its representation on, RPB to consider which recommendations to be taken forward.

Page 7 ROLE OF STEERING GROUP MEMBERS, point two – Steering Group members will bring their organisation’s views but not represented their interests.

Page 9 OUTPUTS point one – RPB to consider which recommendations to be taken forward and advise SoS in context of Regional Planning Guidance.

Point two – SoS to consider revisions to RPG based on advice from RPB and wider national and regional priorities. I will speak to Val again to asitain if there was anything else from that meeting, she is considering a written response to the presentation.


In peace

Andrew Lohmann