
Created; < 2009, Last Changed; 01/03/2020, 16/03/12

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This article appeared in Southborough and High Brooms Branch Labour Party News Letter in December 1992

New Town Plan for Tunbridge Wells Let's free Tunbridge Wells town centre from the ruthless grip of the motor car!

Here's what the new town centre could look like. (Schetch of Tram way running allong the A26 through Southborough and Through Tunbridge Wells Town Centre) . Through traffic is restricted to existing ring roads (solid lines) and car parks (shaded), and other roads (dashed lines) are restricted to off-peak delivery and pedestrians / cyclists. A free tram service (track) complements subsidised bus and rail service to bring visitors in and out of the town and negotiate the hills. (perhaps we could twin T. Wells with San Francisco ?) the tram would also serve to bring The Pantiles closer to the town centre. With the emphasis off cars and onto people, T.Wells is transformed into a shopping and tourist Mecca! How would you alter the map?

Nick Rusbridge