Website Changes History
Added 02/03/2015, Changed 11/03/2024, 13/03/2024
To Do's;
04/2020 to present;
use Zenu to check links etc.
04/2020 to present;
Dr Who pages need reviewing.
Photos pages need reviewing.
All pages need reviewing.
03/2020 to present; Pages with missing or pictures need fixing;
The Amazons (M&C)
Example from nature Salmon - Add pictures of Salmon leaping at the Falls of Shin, taken by John Lohmann
Summing up (M&C)
photographs - picture missing.
Peru_2003 - picture missing.
Guatemala 2007 - pictures missing.
Winter Photographs 2014-2015 - pictures missing.
03/2020 to present New sites;
Check that all pages have been created there appears to be two missing pages ?
A21; Acc2Hast - find original document and recreate or merge to recreate lost tabulation.
pr: sort page formatting.
Response; Sort page formatting.
mountba; add Soviet cartoon of everything but military suffering under funding.
NHS and the swinging sixties (MC) - find video related to Turing machine.
Dr Who - Timelords and Celestial beings -- find video of ant learning.
04/2018 Add visitor information statistics from Google Analytics.
06/10/2014 Add picture of seven sisters to electronics page.
10/03/2014 correct link to I have a dream speech.
09/12/2013 add pictures of the non-stop picket of the embassy (South African)
12/02/2012 fix link to IET challenger disaster in Example from nature Salmon, Fix link - Motive (M&C)
15/08/2012 Improve RR lubrication chart definition.
16/03/2012 Tidy up; add picture to traffic,
Site host history;
March 2024 - Reviewed Electronics Section of
Added blogs;
Computer and home computer archive.
NHS hearing aids.
The threat of nuclear war started in Europe conflict and misunderstanding are cultivated
Various Bicycle Blogs and Dynohub blogs.
Summer and Christmas 2023 holidays.
References to old website domains www1, engineering1, Family1, are being removed.
June 2020 to -- posts website conversion;
Dr Who pages need reviewed and repaired.
March 2020 to April 2020
My father moved to family. sub category websites;
Tidy up family. pages.
Subcategory domain and host created. This section has been split off of the main website.
Links from the main website www. added.
Feb - March 2020, Converted to New sites from classic sites - WWW second attempt.
ww1. Classic working version.
www. Draft New version
family1. Classic working version.
family. Daft new version.
May 2019 to present - family tree page width reduced. Therefore
Meta links lost.
Better pictures of family tree created work with different screen widths.
Use for editing the family tree. Create PDFs and inserted those into pages.
April 2018 added link to my profile.
April 2018 added link to blog working example Hoofprints Technologies Ltd.
January 2017 disguised email address, to reduce spam.
December 2016 Removed email info @ andrew - lohmann. me. uk
January 2016 Blog created using my sub-domain;
Created email and
August 2014 Domain purchased and linked to google sites;
June 2011 to May 2013 Created this google site. Transfer completed.
Previously hosted;
~2011 to ~2012
~2008 to ~2012
~2000 & ~2005 to 2009
~1999 to 2013
1997 to ~1999 Created this website on Compuserve homepages.